
Another Great Book!

 Another ‘must read’! Dr Eric Westman, to whom I owe a lot of gratitude for introducing me to the international community resolving metabolic disease, some 8 years ago, has recently published a new book, Carb Confusion. The title is actually the opposite of what it contains. It is a simple and highly readable insight into…

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“SUGAR makes you HUNGRY, Carbohydrate makes you FAT……” a convincing hypothesis.

In this clear and well explained video, Dr Gary Fettke helps us see the link between eating sugar, refined carbs like bread and pasta (which ultimately turn into sugar) and polyunsaturated oils (mainly seed oils), and inflammation and serious disease……. There is currently no actual un-refutable proof that consuming these three is the cause of…

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Article 2 of 6: Energy – A basic requirement from food…..

……. especially as it affects sports performance. The body can source its energy requirements from carbohydrates, fats and to a lesser degree, but still importantly, proteins. Proteins can, as with complex carbohydrates, be converted to glucose, which is one of the simplest forms of carbohydrates, also know as simple sugars. These are then, in turn,…

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Article 1 of 6: The Basics of Nutrition…..

…… for Sports and Exercise and remaining healthy. The volume of information about nutrition and healthy eating is totally overwhelming and worse, often conflicting. Basically we can Google ourselves to whatever information we would like, and a positive or negative take on any subject we choose, depending on the words we use in our search…

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NUTRITION – Just about weight loss or …..

……. also a means of enhancing your exercise and sports performance? Do you ever feel tired before you start your exercise or training programme for the day? Have you experienced ‘heavy legs’ or the feeling that you are just not improving either with your weight loss ambitions or your exercise programme to increase your fitness…

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Moments for Seniors…..

….to avoid or minimise the so-called “Senior Moments” and increase health and longevity as we age. It is not just young people that care about their health and well being. In fact, my experience in the Crawley area, where I do most of my nutrition consulting, is that if anything, mature adults and senior citizens…

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What’s with Wheat?

Are you are a bread and cake lover? Or do you suffer from Coeliac disease or non-Coeliac gluten sensitivity and therefore avoid wheat, barley and rye products? Do you suffer from stomach ache or bloating after eating bread, pasta or other wheat products? Or do you not relate to any of those, but would like…

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Chronically tired and struggling with weight issues? How healthy and happy is your Thyroid?

Our bodies are complicated machines without sufficiently detailed user instructions to ensure that we, or our medical practitioners, can always keep us in tip top form. Having trained originally as an engineer and spent many years in business before studying nutrition, I consider this a bit of design fault and a failure on the part…

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Pro- and Pre-biotics…why all the hype?

We are so used to hearing how various branded yoghurt-like products are so good for us because they provide us with ‘good bacteria’ that help our digestion. I am talking about the likes of Actimel, Benecol, Yakult, to name but a few. But why should our digestion need help? If we believe in eating natural…

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Putting on weight is not necessarily YOUR FAULT….

Robert Lustig, Pediatric Endocrinologist of the University of California, explains why our craving for sugar and sweet treats is not simply about a lack of WILLPOWER but about chemical changes that happen in our brains when we get too much (hidden) sugar, for too long. Take the time to watch this video to give yourself…

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