Monthly Archives: July 2017

The food you eat impacts your health directly…….but what works for YOU?

I quote Dr Martin Scurr in today’s MailOnline: “We are on the edge of a breakthrough on knowing how the food we eat might change the treatment of disease — and significantly, what foods can be used to change the microbiome, which has the capacity, so we believe, to do the curative work for us….

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Are we admitting we are Vitamin D deficient?

Another sign that the authorities (in this case the FDA in the US) are waking up to the realisation that many of our northern hemisphere populations are deficient in Vitamin D……… something that increases the risk of osteoporosis and is thought to be a possible contributor to neurological problems. For more information, please follow this…

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Pre-diabetic or Carbohydrate Intolerant……..?

If you are wondering about this or have had a diagnosis that suggest you may be heading for a diagnosis of being pre-diabetic, showing the signs of metabolic syndrome, and you want to consider your dietary options, then here is HOW TO GET STARTED: First – please do not despair! By acknowledging your situation, you…

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Benefits of summer-time training?

Does summer-time training also offer Nutritional Benefits? Hidden behind the big nutrition related headline about the ‘Obesity Epidemics’ and the frightening increase in Diabetes Type 2, are the concerning apparent increases in vitamin D deficiency(*), especially in northern hemisphere populations. (*) Vitamin D deficiency is associated with rickets, osteoporosis and, in recent research, is thought…

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“SUGAR makes you HUNGRY, Carbohydrate makes you FAT……” a convincing hypothesis.

In this clear and well explained video, Dr Gary Fettke helps us see the link between eating sugar, refined carbs like bread and pasta (which ultimately turn into sugar) and polyunsaturated oils (mainly seed oils), and inflammation and serious disease……. There is currently no actual un-refutable proof that consuming these three is the cause of…

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