
Is Food Addiction your Fork in the Road?

 My lovely colleague and friend, Dr Jen Unwin, recently published a very personal and insightful story of her own journey to recognising and dealing with her food addiction in Fork in the Road. It is an easy read with valuable comments and experience from some of the worlds experts in the area of food addiction,…

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Another Great Book!

 Another ‘must read’! Dr Eric Westman, to whom I owe a lot of gratitude for introducing me to the international community resolving metabolic disease, some 8 years ago, has recently published a new book, Carb Confusion. The title is actually the opposite of what it contains. It is a simple and highly readable insight into…

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Low Carb Diets – A consideration of health or economics?

The Atkins diet and more recently Paleo (or Paleolithic) diet, are probably two of the best known low carbohydrate diets globally. Certainly the Atkins diet was revered by thousands, and many of them high profile celebrities, as being the ultimate and sustainable weight-loss diet that showed almost immediate results. The re-written and recently published ‘New…

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Could we all be healthier without Gluten?

That is what Dr David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist, and other medically trained nutritional experts and scientists are suggesting in increasingly convincing publications. In his best selling book Grain Brain, Dr Perlmutter argues  that gluten, the protein found mainly in wheat, rye and barley, is silently wreaking havoc on our brains, whilst our avoidance of…

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