
Patient Testimonials from Surgeries in Sussex from Dietary and Lifestyle Consultations, Group Sessions and Courses – Salutogenic Model of Healthcare supported by Huntsland Nutrition & X-Pert Diabetes Health Education

Note: All the below testimonials have been received by email from each patient. Some relate to 1-2-1 consultations, others to the X-Pert Diabetes Health Course and some to a combination of both.

The Testimonials: April – September 2020

Patient Stewart

What did I get out of this course? In three words – an amazing amount.

When I was first diagnosed with Diabetes I attended a course run by the NHS (I believe it was called Desmond) and tried to follow the recommendations as best I could. I reduced my sugar intake to a bare minimum and cut out fat totally. The result of this was basically nothing changed. I found I could not lose weight and my blood glucose fluctuated a lot but never really decreased. I attended this X-Pert Diabetes course with a little scepticism (which is generally my nature). Well did I feel stupid. After 2 weeks I understood more about Diabetes than I had done in 6 years. Everything was explained in a clear and concise way which made understanding very easy. Every session was different and very interesting to such an extent that I really looked forward to every new session knowing I was going to learn something new and very worthwhile.

The results of this course can be seen in my results of the first 7 weeks which may be seen by anybody if you wish. I found that by following the recommendations of the course I am losing on average 1 Kilogram a week and my blood glucose level has stabilised to a level I’ve not seen since I contracted diabetes. What is more I am actually enjoying my diet and can’t see any reason to change it.

My only regret is that this course was not available 6 years ago as it has had enormous benefits for myself.

I would also like to add that Heidi was exceptional. Her knowledge was amazing and no question went unanswered. Her approach to the course was also excellent, we were treated like adults and her enthusiasm for the subject was unbounded. This approach certainly seemed to transfer to the students whereby everyone had good input which again made the sessions so worthwhile and enjoyable.

The fact that due to the current lock down restriction made classroom work impossible we still managed to go ahead by doing it online.

Why would I recommend this course to others? Why wouldn’t I.

 If there is only 1 course diabetics should attend it is this one. Anyone attending this course will understand how to combat diabetes and hopefully have their diabetes go into remission. I’m sure that everybody attending this course will get a lot out of it.

By adopting this course the cost saving to the NHS could be enormous by the reduction in cost to medication and the reduction in the amount of time being spent with the nurse. This course is a win win situation for both the NHS and all patients suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Sorry if I’ve rambled on about this course but having done the course I feel rather passionate about it and would dearly love to see the NHS take it up as standard.

Patient Sue

Heidi is extremely knowledgeable in her field and genuinely cares about the wellbeing of her patients. Since meeting her, she has educated me in nutrition and is helping with my sugar addiction, stress management and other underlying health problems This has happened via one to one’s and now on the course.

I am so grateful for all she is doing to help me with my conditions. I cannot praise this course enough. For the first time in my life I understand different food groups and their impact. With Heidi’s support I have started to improve my overall health, I would highly recommend this course.

Patient Sarah

I was referred to Huntsland Nutrition via my doctors surgery and prescription plus. I am a type 2 diabetic on a LOT of insulin daily.  Heidi is so professional and I felt in very competent hands from my first consultation. When Heidi asked me if I would like to join the x-pert programme I was extremely keen. I felt this was perfect timing as I was in the right frame of mind.

Because of lock down our sessions have been done by using the zoom app. The sessions have been informative, fun and interesting. We have a diverse group and this adds to the group dynamics.

I believe doing these sessions via zoom that more people attend because they can from the comfort of their own home. A lot of people with diabetes can have other health issues meaning their mobility is not good. They can also be anxious about leaving the house.

I would highly recommend the programme.

Patient Pauline

I was so glad when Southgate Surgery offered me the chance of attending your one-to-one sessions and subsequent group sessions last year, which I found very enjoyable, very informative – and ultimately very successful!

I managed to reduce by weight by 9kg and my blood glucose from 41mmol/mol to 37mmol/mol

After years and years of not being able to shift any weight at all, to suddenly find I was had managed to reduce my weight I would recommend the consultations to anyone who has a weight or eating disorder, and as soon as the occasion arises, I most certainly will do so.

Your Hints and Tricks are so useful too. So, Thank you so much for your help and guidance.

Patient Mark

Completely changed my approach towards carbs, now eating much better.

I don’t have a craving for sweet treats and more! Now eating healthy wholesome food! Much better understanding of blood glucose levels. Great course you become your own expert! Weight and BMI has reduced while on the course!

Patient ML

Informative and supportive weekly group sessions led by Heidi aid my better understanding of dietary causes of diabetes and how to manage it.

Was initially unsure of how helpful group sessions would be to me but have met a group of sympathetic fellow diabetics that helps me to understand practical issues & improve self-management.

Heidi is very knowledgeable and supportive in helping the group and individual members learn how to better manage their diabetes through improved dietary knowledge and food choices.

Already seeing some health benefits after only 6 of the weekly group sessions, while the long-term target seeks to monitor progress and achieve a reduction of prescribed medications for diabetes and even eventual remission, through learning about making necessary dietary & other lifestyle changes.

Patient Partner Carolyn

First of all I think it is great for partners to do it to understand what the other half has to do, make changes for them to their diet, force food changes and then discuss menus together. I would recommend it to anyone with diabetes as I know how quickly he started to lose weight and get better stats. For me as a weightwatchers girl it threw everything up in the air that both of us had been taught. For the first time I understood why carbs are such an issue. A lightbulb moment and hoping it helps me lose weight too.

Patient Phil

What did I get out of the course losing weight information learning new stuff everyday being an expert on picking foods. If you’re ready to take control of your diabetes and your weight and what goes in your mouth this is the course for you.

Patient Mrs K

I have learnt a lot about Diabetes. Got KNOWLEDGE and information. I realised why I could not lose weight or bring my blood glucose levels down. I have learnt about good diet and change my life style. I would recommend this course to all diabetic patients. Diabetes is the root cause of many illnesses like heart, bp, cholesterol and stroke etc. This course will give you awareness of being diabetic. Do look after yourself and attend the course and learn how low carb diet and exercises will bring your Hba1 c down. You will certainly win and change your life style.