Your Family

What is important to your family?

What are your specific challenges?

Would you love to help your children to avoid the risks of yo-yoing weight, obesity and the associated health problems later in life?


Whatever you have tried, in terms of encouraging your children and partner to accept healthier foods, if you are frustrated by the arguments and conflicts that ensue – speak to me and we will work together to find solutions.

If you are frustrated with the conflicting and changing information about what is healthy and what is not, or you simply feel you don’t have the time or energy to research and analyse what changes you could make to your family diet that would have lasting positive effects on energy levels and health – speak to me.

Let me work with the likes and dislikes of your whole family, understand how your meal times work and what causes stress, and learn about any other issues that are important to you when deciding what to eat and when.

Let me help you plan meals and snacks to enjoy and to help you build new, healthy favourites that your children crave, instead of the ones that ultimately make us all fat, unhealthy or simply drain our energy or destroy our moods and challenge our relationships.

Your first consultation is free of charge. Let’s discuss the challenges of keeping a family fed in as healthy and cost conscious a way as possible and I will offer you my analysis and proposed solution.

Work with me and we will identify how best I can help you make:

– meal plans that deal with likes and dislikes within the family

– snacks to promote higher energy levels

– better weight awareness and control

– better control of sugar addictions

enjoyment of healthier foods for the whole family

– sorting out the fact from the fictional advertising for healthy eating

– meal planning, food storage, quick healthy cooking tips etc