
Huntsland Nutrition CIC (HNCIC) is a not-for profit company based in the beautiful Huntsland area of Crawley Down, West Sussex, providing individuals and families with advice on nutrition and healthy eating to promote health and well-being. The primary focus is on preventing and reducing metabolic disease such as diabetes and other nutrition related challenges of body weight and body composition, reducing (low) energy levels, digestive issues, IBS, acid reflux and identifying food intolerances and food addiction.

Achieving sustainable remission of these debilitating challenges is the priority. HNCIC also supports clinicians by offering individual and group consultations, and workshops, to patients, by direct referral.


“Brilliant course I have gained so much knowledge from participating” – Colin

About Me

Founded by Heidi Giaever, Nutrition Consultant, Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, X-Pert Diabetes Health Trainer and Health Coach, Huntsland Nutrition CIC is a Community Interest Company, established to provide nutrition and lifestyle guidance to individuals, families and groups, to improve the health and wellbeing and reduce lifestyle related disease within the community.



A wide range of services for individuals, families and companies helping people build the new habits that will increase enjoyment of food, in a healthy way, for longer. Tailored nutrition advice and menu planning for improved sports and exercise performance.



I would love to hear from you so please feel free to get in touch with me:

Email: contact@huntsland-nutrition.com

07707 840082