Monthly Archives: February 2016

GOOD News about BAD Fats!

US legislators have finally done what we have been waiting for and led the way with new legislation that outlaws the use of artificial transfats (trans fatty acids or TFAs)(1) in food ……… But only 3 years from now. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is giving food producers this period to find alternatives and…

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How much Olive Oil in mayonnaise made with Olive Oil?

How much olive oil would you expect this product to contain? Obviously there are other ingredients in mayonnaise apart from fat or oil, such as eggs and vinegar, but on the basis that more than half (66%) is fat, how much would be from Olive Oil? If you have time to look at the list…

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Could we all be healthier without Gluten?

That is what Dr David Perlmutter, a board-certified neurologist, and other medically trained nutritional experts and scientists are suggesting in increasingly convincing publications. In his best selling book Grain Brain, Dr Perlmutter argues  that gluten, the protein found mainly in wheat, rye and barley, is silently wreaking havoc on our brains, whilst our avoidance of…

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Dried fruit: Less Sugar – More Sweetness

Ever considered that dried cranberries, raisins, apricots etc, the typical dried fruits found in breakfast cereals, are not really either sweet or juicy? Well they are, but often not in their dried and shrivelled form. They still contain lots of sugar but because they have been dehydrated, our taste buds don’t benefit from their sweetness,…

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