Monthly Archives: April 2016

Indian Style Lentils

Scrumptious Indian Style Lentils   Author: Heidi Recipe type: Dinner or Hot Lunch Cuisine: Indian Prep time:  10 mins Cook time:  20 mins Total time:  30 mins Save Print This recipe has become one of my absolute favourites and that of my husband too. I admit it has many similarities with my lentil stew from a few months…

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“Absolutely NO role of sugar in a balanced diet.”

This recent interview, on Australian TV, with British cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, is worth a watch, if you are still in doubt about whether you should be eating fat free or fat reduced foods rather than focusing on cutting out refined carbohydrates or sugars. 11 minutes of your busy day, well spent. Take a look…

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Pro- and Pre-biotics…why all the hype?

We are so used to hearing how various branded yoghurt-like products are so good for us because they provide us with ‘good bacteria’ that help our digestion. I am talking about the likes of Actimel, Benecol, Yakult, to name but a few. But why should our digestion need help? If we believe in eating natural…

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Prepared to become more adventurous with Houmous?

Do you like Houmous (or hummus)? Do you like Indian spices and flavours? Are you looking for ways to use the seeds you want to eat more of? Then this is for you: Simply make your normal houmous and add whichever seeds you fancy (I use sesame and hemp seeds, pre-ground in my coffee grinder and…

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