Exercise and Nutrition

Benefits of summer-time training?

Does summer-time training also offer Nutritional Benefits? Hidden behind the big nutrition related headline about the ‘Obesity Epidemics’ and the frightening increase in Diabetes Type 2, are the concerning apparent increases in vitamin D deficiency(*), especially in northern hemisphere populations. (*) Vitamin D deficiency is associated with rickets, osteoporosis and, in recent research, is thought…

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Article 3 of 6: Protein

A basic requirement from food – for Muscle Building and Recovery– especially as it affects sports performance. Many of us have grown up being encouraged to ‘eat your protein’ so you grow big and strong. And in the world of body builders and frequent gym goers, protein shakes are a familiar supplement taken for the…

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Article 2 of 6: Energy – A basic requirement from food…..

……. especially as it affects sports performance. The body can source its energy requirements from carbohydrates, fats and to a lesser degree, but still importantly, proteins. Proteins can, as with complex carbohydrates, be converted to glucose, which is one of the simplest forms of carbohydrates, also know as simple sugars. These are then, in turn,…

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Article 1 of 6: The Basics of Nutrition…..

…… for Sports and Exercise and remaining healthy. The volume of information about nutrition and healthy eating is totally overwhelming and worse, often conflicting. Basically we can Google ourselves to whatever information we would like, and a positive or negative take on any subject we choose, depending on the words we use in our search…

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NUTRITION – Just about weight loss or …..

……. also a means of enhancing your exercise and sports performance? Do you ever feel tired before you start your exercise or training programme for the day? Have you experienced ‘heavy legs’ or the feeling that you are just not improving either with your weight loss ambitions or your exercise programme to increase your fitness…

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