Monthly Archives: November 2015

Warming & Fragrant Lentil Stew …… Perfect for autumn warmth & colour!

  5.0 from 1 reviews Warming & Fragrant Lentil Stew……or Soup if you prefer it!   Author: Heidi Recipe type: Lunch or Dinner Cuisine: Indian inspired Prep time:  10 mins Cook time:  15 mins Total time:  25 mins Save Print Quick and easy to make in advance and suitable to use either on its own or as a…

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Scrumptious Nutty Breakfast Granola…….Look forward to starting the day with this healthy treat!

  Nutty Granola – no sugar!   Author: Heidi Cuisine: Breakfast, dessert topping or snack Prep time:  20 mins Cook time:  1 hour 30 mins Total time:  1 hour 50 mins Save Print This is a delicious and nutritious breakfast cereal that will keep you feeling full all morning because of all the complex carbs and good…

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Putting on weight is not necessarily YOUR FAULT….

Robert Lustig, Pediatric Endocrinologist of the University of California, explains why our craving for sugar and sweet treats is not simply about a lack of WILLPOWER but about chemical changes that happen in our brains when we get too much (hidden) sugar, for too long. Take the time to watch this video to give yourself…

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On the Sugar war-path again….

Sugar is killing us. The biggest gift we can give our children is surely THEIR HEALTH. And the best way to start, is to reduce their risks of becoming as sugar dependent as our generation is, with all the health, overweight and social problems associated with it. Take a look at this video. We need…

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The ‘MUST-BUY’ book…..

For those you care about and whose health is important to you! Giulia Enders writes effortlessly and amusingly about such an important part of our anatomy! BUY and READ her valuable book GUT, to gain insights into some fascinating facts, research and, as yet, still unknown aspects of how your body works (and why it…

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