Your Exercise

exercise  imageWhat is important to you when you exercise or compete?

What are your specific challenges?

Do you ever struggle with balancing your energy requirements for your physical activity with your desire to lose weight?

Do you ever feel frustrated by the fact that you don’t seem to achieve the progress you expect when training?

Let me work with you to analyse your energy needs and your eating patterns.
Let us find ways to improve the way in which your body utilizes and stores the energy you provide it with, via the food you eat.

Let me help you plan meals and snacks to enjoy but at the same time to provide you with the energy you need, at the right times and in the right quantities. Your meals and snacks must sustain you when you want to be improving your physical performance, but without making you put on weight you don’t want.

Or, if weight control is also a challenge: Let me analyse your energy needs and your eating patterns to find ways to improve the way in which your body utilizes and stores energy from food, whilst at the same time reducing your weight in a planned and sustainable manner without negatively impacting your sports performance.

Your first consultation is free of charge. Let’s discuss your challenges and I will offer you my analysis and solutions.