
Food Addiction Workshop in The Lake District

If you are struggling with yo-yo dieting, have big difficulties controlling your cravings, or find it hard to not over-eat certain foods – please join us at the beautiful Brathay Hall in Ambleside, in the Lake District, for an intensive weekend of learning about food addiction, sharing experiences and getting support from Dr Jen Unwin…

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Sugar – The Gateway to Addiction!

I googled the words ‘Food Addiction’ today and got 174,000,000 hits. ‘Sugar Addiction’ gives 65,100,000 results. These two little video clips help us to appreciate why there is a growing demand for help with these challenges, despite the fact that neither of them are formally recognised yet as a disease. Eric Clapton reminds us how…

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The Sugar Tax….a small step on a difficult road

There is understandable controversy about the new Sugar Tax, in the UK, but can we at least agree that it helps in the various efforts, to build awareness of the magnitude of the problem facing us, as regards hidden sugar in foods? Working with this subject, I am regularly presented with new foods that pretend…

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Show compassion for us Sugar Addicts!

This is NO JOKE. The war on sugar is going on all around us – and I am one of the warriors. But in all this effort to build awareness of hidden sugars in most processed foods and the threat of getting fat, destroying brain function and a whole host of serious long term debilitating…

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Dried fruit: Less Sugar – More Sweetness

Ever considered that dried cranberries, raisins, apricots etc, the typical dried fruits found in breakfast cereals, are not really either sweet or juicy? Well they are, but often not in their dried and shrivelled form. They still contain lots of sugar but because they have been dehydrated, our taste buds don’t benefit from their sweetness,…

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On the Sugar war-path again….

Sugar is killing us. The biggest gift we can give our children is surely THEIR HEALTH. And the best way to start, is to reduce their risks of becoming as sugar dependent as our generation is, with all the health, overweight and social problems associated with it. Take a look at this video. We need…

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Tips & Tricks – Avoiding Sugar

We eat sugary or sweet foods, cakes, biscuits, chocolates and sweets based on habits formed from a very early age. These habits are ingrained by the time we become adults and are difficult to change. Children who are not fed on sweet foods have a chance of not developing these habits that are so hard…

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More about Sugar

Find this interesting?  Why not join one of my workshops on Sugar and getting rid of sugar addictions? Contact me for more information. “Any advertisement shown in connection with this link, is not supported or endorsed by Huntsland Nutrition and is the responsibility of the site being accessed”

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The Truth about Sugar

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